Saturday, September 29, 2007

The week in pictures

The end of the walking week is here again, a week blessed with fine weather enabling us to cover over 80 mountain kilometres including 15 peaks and 10 mountain passes from the town of Chupung-ryeong through to the northern end of Songni-san national park.

Our first day back into the walk saw us cross the 200km point. This magic moment was celebrated on 502bong (peak of 502 metres)just north of Chupungryeong town, which is apparently 199.7km from the Summit of Cheonhwang-bong, our start point in Jiri-san national park.

2007. 9. 29. 토요일

멋진 사진 찍을 수 있었던 일주일.

또 한 주의 산행을 마쳤다. 오랜만에 좋은 날씨로 축복받은 일주일이었다.

날씨가 좋아 추풍령읍에서 속리산국립공원의 북쪽 끝까지 15개의 봉우리와 10개의 재를 넘어 산길 80km를 거침없이 종주할 수 있었다.

다시 산행을 시작하던 날, 우리들은 출발지로부터 200km지점을 통과하고 있다는 것을 알았다. 첫 출발지점인 지리산국립공원 천왕봉 정상으로부터 정확히 199.7km가 되는 곳에 있는 봉우리이며 추풍령읍 바로 북쪽에 있는 502봉(502m고지)에서 이 감격적인 순간을 자축했다.

From the summit of Geum-san, with the town of Chupung-ryeong below and the remains of an expired quarry which ate right to the peak of the mountain.

5-star mountain accomodation.
The Neungchi-shwimteo (rest area) at Jakjeomgo-jae pass. Apparently also a popular place for local drinkers and lovers.

The view north from Yunjimi-san offered our first views of the eastern arm of the Songni-san range.

Andrew at Hwaryeong-jae pass, southern gateway to Songni-san national park and watershed of the Nakdong river to the east and Gum river to the west. The obelisk has been erected to celebrate and promote the Baekdu-daegan trail. We've seen a lot of these in the past few weeks all of which are brand new, this monster is only 2 weeks old!

Looking south from the trail to Bonghwang-san, down to Hwaseo town and the Hwaryeong pass.

The first of the boulders for which Songni-san is so famous, south face of Hyeongje-bong.

East from Hyeongje-bong.

West from Hyeongje-bong.


Cheonhwang-bong (1058m), the first and tallest of the peaks in Songni-san national park.

On the climb to Cheonhwang-bong.

The ridge of Songni-san, looking north from Cheonhwang-bong.

Munsu-bong peak left and Munjang-dae rock right.

Munjangdae (book holding place)rock, Songni-san national park.

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