I had the opportunity to visit a famous place called Daegwallyeong near Odaesan N.P. 나는 오대산국립공원 근처에 있는 대관령이라고 하는, 한국에서는 아주 유명한 고개를 넘을 수 있는 기회를 가질 수 있었다.
백두대간 trekkers, field researchers, wine tasters, really really amateur film makers
Map of the ridge
The baekdudaegan trail follows the line marked with our end point at Jinbu-ryeong located at the orange arrow just short of the DMZ. The Tiger is the animistic image of the Baekdu-daegan with its spine representing the ridge.
The logo
The logo represents the green piercing hills and mountains of the Baekdu Daegan and the blue cascading waters it generates. It is epitomized with a ‘koru’ a New Zealand Maori artwork that represents ‘new life’.
이 로고는 백두대간의 구릉과 숲이 보여주는 녹색과 계곡의 물이 작은 폭포가 되어 떨어지면서 일으키는 파란빛을 상징한다. 그것은 뉴질랜드 원주민 마오리족의 수공예품 ‘코루(koru)'에서 힌트를 얻어 만든 것인데 ’코루‘란 ‘새로운 삶’을 상징한다.
What is the Baekdu-daegan? A walk through the past and into the future - 어제로부터 통일한국의 내일을 향해 함께 걷기
The Baekdu-daegan ridge stretches the length of the Korean peninsula and includes most of its highest peaks. It holds great nationalistic and sacred importance for the Korean people as the provider of life-energy sources and water for the peninsula. It has been revered by native Koreans since the birth of Koreas mythological leader in 2300BC, and it is said to walk its spine empowers individuals with the spirit of the peninsula. Follow us as we discover its beauty, culture and history. The walk will begin on September 1st 2007 and is planned to take 70 days.
백두대간을 따라서 다시 과거로의 그리고 미래로의 탐험에 여러분을 초대합니다. 백두대간은 한반도에 길게 뻗어져 있습니다. 백두대간은 한국인들에게 매우 국가적이며 신성한 중요성을 가지고 있습니다. 또한 한반도에는 삶의 에너지원과 수원을 제공해 줍니다. 백두대간의 아름다움과 문화, 역사를 찾아 떠나는 우리의 일정과 함께 하지 않으시겠습니까? 우리의 일정은 2007년 9월 1일에 시작해서 70일간 계속됩니다. 감사함니다.
Trail logbook
The translation team - gotta love these guys!
Old teaching buddies Sung Byung-oh a retired Professor of Korean Literature from Busan Womens College and now successful novelist and Jeong Kyoo-hwan a retired High School teacher and loyal friend also from Busan.
Roger Shepherd - Field Researcher,
Andrew Douch - Field Researcher,
Prof. David Mason - Academic Researcher, Shawn Morrissey - Assistant Researcher
SUPPORT CREW - David Sargeant (Jinbu), Mike Allbee(Daegu).
Start date - 01 Septmeber 2007.
End date - 09 November 2007.
To collect hiking data on the Baekdu- daegan to forward reference into an educational and cultural guide on the Baekdu daegan hiking trail.
Also known as the ribbon trail the Baekdu Daegan is frequently emblazoned with (tags) or ribbons indicating the conquests of previous trail parties. We will also be blazing our trail with a ribbon. Keep an eye out for it.
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